Sunday, October 3, 2021

Birth Story Of Janak Nandini Sita

Interesting birth story of Mata Sita

Janak Nandini Sita the wife of Shree Ram did not had a normal birth as like others she was not born out of womb. Instead was discovered a groove of ploughed field by King Janaka.
As per the Valimikis Ramayana in Bal Kand King of Janaka says to Maharishi Vishavamitra

"अथ मे कृषत: क्षेत्रं लांगलादुत्थिता तत: |
क्षेत्रं शोधयता लब्धा नाम्ना सीतेति विश्रुता |
भूतलादुत्थिता सा तु व्यवधऀत ममात्मजा" |

Which means once when king Janaka was ploughing a field to perform yagna. Sita appear from the earth. Sita appear from the line drawn from the plow thats why they kept her name as sita.


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